Custom Element Best Practices
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Custom elements let you construct your own HTML tags. This checklist covers best practices to help you build high quality elements.
Custom elements allow you to extend HTML and define your own tags. They're an
incredibly powerful feature, but they're also low-level, which means it's not
always clear how best to implement your own element.
To help you create the best possible experiences we've put together this
checklist. It breaks down all the things we think it takes to be a
well behaved custom element.
Shadow DOM
Create a shadow root to encapsulate styles. |
Why? |
Encapsulating styles in your element's shadow root ensures that it will work
regardless of where it is used. This is especially important if a developer
wishes to place your element inside of another element's shadow root. This
applies to even simple elements like a checkbox or radio button. It might be
the case that the only content inside of your shadow root will be the styles
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Create your shadow root in the constructor.
Why? |
The constructor is when you have exclusive knowledge of your element.
It's a great time to setup implementation details that you don't want other
elements messing around with. Doing this work in a later callback, like the
connectedCallback , means you will need to guard against
situations where your element is detached and then reattached to the document.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Place any children the element creates into its shadow root.
Why? |
Children created by your element are part of its implementation and should be
private. Without the protection of a shadow root, outside JavaScript may
inadvertently interfere with these children.
Example |
<howto-tabs> element.
Use <slot> to project light DOM children into your shadow DOM
Why? |
Allow users of your component to specify content in your component as HTML children makes your component more composable. When a browser does not support custom elements, the nested content remains available, visible and accessible.
Example |
<howto-tabs> element.
Set a :host display style (e.g. block ,
inline-block , flex ) unless you prefer the default of
inline .
Why? |
Custom elements are display: inline by default, so setting their
width or height will have no effect. This often
comes as a surprise to developers and may cause issues related to
laying out the page. Unless you prefer an inline display, you
should always set a default display value.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Add a :host display style that respects the hidden attribute.
Why? |
A custom element with a default display style, e.g.
:host { display: block } , will override the lower specificity
hidden attribute.
This may surprise you if you expect setting the hidden
attribute on your element to render it display: none . In addition
to a default display style, add support for hidden
with :host([hidden]) { display: none } .
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Attributes and properties
Do not override author-set, global attributes.
Why? |
Global attributes are those that are present on all HTML elements. Some
examples include tabindex and role . A custom element
may wish to set its initial tabindex to 0 so it will be keyboard
focusable. But you should always check first to see if the developer using
your element has set this to another value. If, for example, they've set
tabindex to -1, it's a signal that they don't wish for the
element to be interactive.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element. This is further explained in
Don't override the page author.
Always accept primitive data (strings, numbers, booleans) as either attributes
or properties.
Why? |
Custom elements, like their built-in counterparts, should be configurable.
Configuration can be passed in declaratively, via attributes, or imperatively
via JavaScript properties. Ideally every attribute should also be linked to
a corresponding property.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Aim to keep primitive data attributes and properties in sync, reflecting from
property to attribute, and vice versa.
Why? |
You never know how a user will interact with your element. They might
set a property in JavaScript, and then expect to read that value
using an API like getAttribute() . If every attribute has a
corresponding property, and both of them reflect, it will make it easier for
users to work with your element. In other words, calling
setAttribute('foo', value) should also set a corresponding
foo property and vice versa. There are, of course, exceptions to
this rule. You shouldn't reflect high frequency properties, e.g.
currentTime in a video player. Use your best judgment. If it
seems like a user will interact with a property or attribute, and
it's not burdensome to reflect it, then do so.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element. This is further explained in
Avoid reentrancy issues.
Aim to only accept rich data (objects, arrays) as properties.
Why? |
Generally speaking, there are no examples of built-in HTML elements that
accept rich data (plain JavaScript objects and arrays) through their
attributes. Rich data is instead accepted either through method calls or
properties. There are a couple obvious downsides to accepting rich data as
attributes: it can be expensive to serialize a large object to a string, and
any object references will be lost in this stringification process. For
example, if you stringify an object which has a reference to another object,
or perhaps a DOM node, those references will be lost.
Do not reflect rich data properties to attributes.
Why? |
Reflecting rich data properties to attributes is needlessly expensive,
requiring serializing and deserializing the same JavaScript objects. Unless
you have a use case that can only be solved with this feature, it's probably
best to avoid it.
Consider checking for properties that may have been set before the element
Why? |
A developer using your element may attempt to set a property on the element
before its definition has been loaded. This is especially true if the
developer is using a framework which handles loading components, stamping them
to the page, and binding their properties to a model.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element. Further explained in
Make properties lazy.
Do not self-apply classes.
Why? |
Elements that need to express their state should do so using attributes. The
class attribute is generally considered to be owned by the
developer using your element, and writing to it yourself may inadvertently
stomp on developer classes.
Dispatch events in response to internal component activity.
Why? |
Your component may have properties that change in response to activity that
only your component knows about, for example, if a timer or animation
completes, or a resource finishes loading. It's helpful to dispatch events
in response to these changes to notify the host that the component's state is
Do not dispatch events in response to the host setting a property (downward
data flow).
Why? |
Dispatching an event in response to a host setting a property is superfluous
(the host knows the current state because it just set it). Dispatching events
in response to a host setting a property may cause infinite loops with data
binding systems.
Example |
<howto-checkbox> element.
Don't override the page author
It's possible that a developer using your element might want to override some of
its initial state. For example, changing its ARIA role
or focusability with
. Check to see if these and any other global attributes have been set,
before applying your own values.
connectedCallback() {
if (!this.hasAttribute('role'))
this.setAttribute('role', 'checkbox');
if (!this.hasAttribute('tabindex'))
this.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
Make properties lazy
A developer might attempt to set a property on your element before its
definition has been loaded. This is especially true if the developer is using a
framework which handles loading components, inserting them into to the page, and
binding their properties to a model.
In the following example, Angular is declaratively binding its model's
property to the checkbox's checked
property. If the definition for
howto-checkbox was lazy loaded it's possible that Angular might attempt to set
the checked property before the element has upgraded.
<howto-checkbox [checked]="defaults.isChecked"></howto-checkbox>
A custom element should handle this scenario by checking if any properties have
already been set on its instance. The <howto-checkbox>
demonstrates this pattern using a method called _upgradeProperty()
connectedCallback() {
_upgradeProperty(prop) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
let value = this[prop];
delete this[prop];
this[prop] = value;
captures the value from the unupgraded instance and deletes
the property so it does not shadow the custom element's own property setter.
This way, when the element's definition does finally load, it can immediately
reflect the correct state.
Avoid reentrancy issues
It's tempting to use the attributeChangedCallback()
to reflect state to an
underlying property, for example:
// When the [checked] attribute changes, set the checked property to match.
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (name === 'checked')
this.checked = newValue;
But this can create an infinite loop if the property setter also reflects to
the attribute.
set checked(value) {
const isChecked = Boolean(value);
if (isChecked)
// OOPS! This will cause an infinite loop because it triggers the
// attributeChangedCallback() which then sets this property again.
this.setAttribute('checked', '');
An alternative is to allow the property setter to reflect to the attribute, and
have the getter determine its value based on the attribute.
set checked(value) {
const isChecked = Boolean(value);
if (isChecked)
this.setAttribute('checked', '');
get checked() {
return this.hasAttribute('checked');
In this example, adding or removing the attribute will also set the property.
Finally, the attributeChangedCallback()
can be used to handle side effects
like applying ARIA states.
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
const hasValue = newValue !== null;
switch (name) {
case 'checked':
// Note the attributeChangedCallback is only handling the *side effects*
// of setting the attribute.
this.setAttribute('aria-checked', hasValue);